3 Powerful Embodied Practices For When You Get Pushback For Prioritising Your Needs

I’m here to offer some support for that moment many of us dread. You had done the inner work. You practised and prepared, you voiced your needs and even though it felt clunky and scary, the desire to move forward in a new way was more powerful. But then, it happened. That person was uncomfortable with it. In fact, they were pretty pissed off about it, and they weren’t shy in letting you know either.

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Finding your sass...

Seeking external validation to measure myself up was all I knew, and it was exhausting. I had no energy OR inclination to start shining my attention back on myself.

But doing that WAS the only way. I wasn’t going to get answers from anyone or anything outside of me. It required me to step up. To acknowledge + own just how important my happiness was to me and to world around me.

It required me to reclaim + embody my sass. To state “this is what I need”, “this is what I’m doing”, “this is important to me” - without apologies or lengthy explanation.

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