x Happy New Year Friends x

May your year ahead be full of laughter, richness, love and adventure...

2019 was an incredible year, rich with new insight, study and growth.

So I wanted to share with you my three top nuggets of learning that I am proudly carrying into my 2020...

1) Don't sweat the small stuff...can we learn to let go or soften some of the expectation, the tasks that can actually wait...the time this frees up could be used to rest, journal affirmations that empower you, research that new project you want to start, move your body for 10 minutes in a way that feels good, breathe deeply....

I was trying to do it all early last year and I was exhausted. So I began going to bed earlier, much earlier. I let go of my expectation that as soon as my daughter was in bed I would be doing work, tidying, ticking things off the to do list...I was never ever switching off. What also followed was that I could get up earlier, before my family...I gained this beautiful window of me time, where I could have a full morning yoga, meditation, EFT and journaling practice before my day began... AND I felt rested!

What little thing could you soften, delegate or let go of completely this January?

2) Be vulnerable...Early last year we lost a pregnancy and I didn't give myself the time to reflect, and felt unable to receive loved one's support. I felt a hardening happening, a distance from those around me and I saw there was only one way...I had to soften again if I was to move forward. I began to talk about it, let loved ones hold me when I was upset, I wrote and wrote and wrote to help me untangle things and as I felt a thawing happening I shared my experience openly in the hope that my experience might support others going through the same. Being vulnerable, admitting you feel scared, awkward, confused, clumsy, showing up as authentically as yourself in all your perfect imperfection... this is liberating stuff. It is not always the easy path, but vulnerability can heal old wounds, strengthen our acceptance and compassion of ourself and in turn those around us.
Watch Brenee Brown's incredible Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability here...

3) Stop apologising...I would say sorry for EVERYTHING out of what I thought was politeness. I hadn't even realised what silly proportions it had got to! Apologising should be reserved for times where you've caused pain physically or emotionally to someone. Every time you apologise unnecessarily though, it gives away your power. You are apologising for simply being here, taking up some space on the earth.

I would always say sorry if someone held the door open for me and scurry through quickly like I was taking up their time. But now, I smile, say 'thank you' and I tell you what, I walk calmly, grounded, taller and more confidently through that door. It feels bloody good and does truly have an impact on your mood, your energy, your self-esteem.

TRY IT...For one day, count the number of times you apologise for something that doesn't warrant one. Then begin to swap the habitual "sorry's" with a new response or a deep full breath. NOTICE IT FEELS TO MAKE THIS CHOICE.

I'd love to hear what intentions and wisdom you are weaving into your year ahead, so do get in touch and share!