A life in balance...

Today I am preparing for the next Stress & Anxiety Programme starting @unionyogamargate in Margate this Saturday (still some spaces left and booking link is in bio) & have been reflecting on the theme of balance which was raised in Whitstable’s course yesterday.

How to not only find it, but maintain it? Because a balanced life is subjective…so get clear on YOUR version of what a balance day/week/life looks like? From the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep? How do you eat, move, rest, commute, keep in touch with people, plan your week?

One question is, do we create this life alone or do we include our loved ones, friends, peers in the process? Perhaps it requires us stepping back from certain commitments. How does that look & feel, what impact might that have? What support do we need to do this?
Do you need accountability to ensure you maintain it? AND what if some around you are resistant for you to make change/carve out time for yourself/put yourself first?

I KNOW FULL WELL that life throws all sorts of things our way. So what do we need in place to ride those waves? Just like bringing daily tools into our life to improve our overall resilience when we do meet a bump and feel resourced to return to a place of rest & digest efficiently…

what small actions can we take everyday to ensure that we have the resource & personal sense of power to step back on the path of a balanced life, rebuild boundaries when they blur, without berating ourselves or making ANY judgement on our worth or ability, when focus strays or we meet resistance….

In those moments I begin to have a right go at myself, I think about how I’ll support my daughter when she comes up against these challenges, and hey presto! I have my answer to give to myself too. We can celebrate & accept our humanness…and know, no what, that we are still worthy of it all and more.

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