Gone is the time for perfection...

Gone is the time for perfection. For something that doesn’t exist, is immeasurable and so completely subjective, this concept has ravaged and exhausted us. Plagued and restrained us.

Gone is the time of the guru, the searching for something, for someone, for a light outside of ourselves.

Now is the time for humanness… a connection of heart to heart, patience met with patience, compassion met with compassion, clarity mutually met with itself having been cultivated by the holder.

Only here in this clarity, in this neutrality… these bridges that have been dissolved in the storms of comparison, fear and inequality can begin to rebuild brick by brick, tear by tear of acceptance.

Now is a time to hold ourselves close - close and accountable - to take time to get to know why…

why one seed that drives us, grows another that drowns us…

why kindness and time, rawness and courage to lean in … it is these that grow authenticity and wisdom … this is the ointment required

Now is the time for finding your tribe.. the voices that firm our resolve, the space they create for our boldness, our brightness, our discomfort, our clunkiness to all be celebrated as a beautiful victory…a victory of getting up this morning and stepping out again as us.

There is no time for diluting…our voice, our values, our style, our desires…a watery squash version of ourself may blow the surface of the sand. It might even build a sandcastle. But the tide will wash it away… But the rich honey-coloured dessert wine of ourself. The juicy and true, fuelled by a power from our root, this can move mountains, stop traffic, inspire change

In this richness we must be vulnerable, it is definitely time for that.

For all of us to see our vulnerability as our truth, our gateway, our clarity, our ability to love, to learn, to live more freely…be unapologetic in your imperfect perfection.

To live freely will be clunky. To live vulnerably will be hard. But what is harder to swallow, to stomach, is that if we don’t…nothing changes. Our shadows, our fears … they will stay, they will weigh, they will muddy…and they will make us compromise time and time again.

Those who are doing the judging, the trying to keep someone small…they are keeping themselves in a cycle of stickiness, exhaustion and desperation as they attempt to control what is not theirs to. It is ok to want to keep your distance, to not want to wrap your arms around them and tell them you see them and hear them and love them. But perhaps, just perhaps standing next to them and breathing a deep diaphragmatic breath, might just slow down their rhythms enough, that they can see with a little more clarity and a little less ego driving their car. In that flicker of a moment, they might feel a lightness, a freedom, some contentment, a softening of the grip…

Now is the time for being us, for being human, for being fully, completely here, right now… doing our best.
