From Summer ending to Autumn and Winter rolling in, the transition can sometimes seem fast.
I am already receiving emails about Christmas events, booking Santa's Grotto tickets and coordinating who will bring what on Christmas Day.
I also saw Mince Pies in the supermarket yesterday...but personally I feel this might be where my line has to be drawn.
It can move swiftly now with that end of year in sight. So much so, that opportunities to care for ourselves at such a time can easily get trumped.
So, I wanted to open the booking system early for this event in December. Before life picks up and presents need to be bought... perhaps booking & assigning this time in advance may be the restoration needed to get you to Christmas Day grounded, restored and clear.
Click here to book...
This transitional time of year can feel liberating. We can take stock of where we are and return to our intentions of how we wanted to live this year.
My friend and incredible life coach Pandora Paloma, recently and wisely shared that the goals are of course important, but its how we want to live every day in the process of moving towards something - that is the key. The key to being kind to ourselves. The key to acceptance and trust that we are doing our best and are on the right track. That we don't just exist in a place where we aren't where we want to be yet.
Perhaps as evenings roll in earlier, urging us to turn inward, from this place of grounding, we can see where things didn't go to plan, where we perhaps sabotaged our own efforts towards a goal…these are a rich source of learning and growth.
When we can sit with these trickier reflections of ourself and our achievements from a place of thoughtful intention...being grounded in our wonder right now...these stop being moments that we failed or weren't good enough, but instead where life and our own internal compass offered us an opportunity to become wiser.
As she shared this gorgeous nugget of wisdom I realised I had become so focused on my goals. I had moved away from my intention...To live each day mindfully and compassionately. To honour my needs throughout the day with rest, nourishment, breath, movement. To do one thing at a time and do it with love. Life, work, love… it all felt weighty, muddy (that day 3 of a rainy festival, suction your welly boots muddy)
My goals still stand strong, but the intention means that if they take longer to reach, if the unexpected happens, if I change my mind... all of this means that my self worth is not woven into these goals’ success. I give myself the freedom to enjoy the process and feel that I've already arrived.
Living mindfully with intentions that are unique to us, that honour our values. So sweetly intertwined. This is living our yoga. This morning I woke up early, sat in meditation and then journaled. I let my values, foundations, desires and passions roll on to paper. I used coloured pencils and arrows and thought bubbles so that I could see it all waking up. My goals still stand strong…but I’ve repaved the path, I’ve put on some awesome shoes and I’ll be playing some house music while I strut onwards.
I love hearing your reflections and personal practice…so what are your intentions for how you approach everyday life? Pop your comments in the box below x