A soulful somatics & new moon workshop created for busy, big-hearted women & non-binary folk hungry for more connection and spirit within their busy, modern lives.


Thursday 6th June | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Online)

Life is full on and there are a lot of plates to spin. 

When we run head-first through life, with a nervous system which is constantly ON, it’s so easy to lose connection to the vibrant current of life running through us.

We stop looking up to the stars, rooting down into the ancient earth, and looking out to nature for guidance and support.

So my love, it’s time to come up for air and create your roadmap to a more embodied, spiritual and nourished way of life 

(that can weave into your real, messy, human daily life!) 

We will harness the power of the New Moon in Gemini with…

~ Somatic exploration practices

~ Embodied movement & yoga

~ Breathwork journeying

~ Deep personal enquiry & intention setting

~ Nervous system nourishment & care

~ Energetic activation

~ Ancient ritual

~ Rich discussion in community

~ Practical tools for navigating being human in a complex world

~ PLUS ~

There will be an invitation (with a juicy bonus thrown in!) to join me in deepening this work in The Soulful Human Membership starting 20th June

The Pillars Of What We’ll Explore…

  • When we look for deeper meaning, we can go to the mind for answers. But your body and nervous system govern the lens through which you see yourself and the world. Start here, and everything will follow.

  • What comes from an embodied state, is a “waking up” of our senses, our subtler shifts of being and an attentiveness to how we are in relationship with ourselves and the world.

  • For us to soulfully wake up: drink up the beauty, navigate the hardship and move forward from the old narratives that keep us on the hamster wheel, these will be your most powerful tools to hone on your journey

  • They are just waiting for you to ask the big and the beautiful questions. They are just waiting for you to listen and waiting to guide you towards a way of life that feels like home

  • Our ancestors aligned with the rhythms of nature because they understood that they too were nature; interconnected, wise and mystical. That is all still alive within you my love.

  • With ease instilled in your body and courageous gratitude alive in your heart, your mind follows suit and your true potential gets to unfold.

Here’s what some of my incredible clients have to say…

*some clients names and images have been changed for anonymity

Your Questions Answered…

How much is it? 

This 2hr session will be £35, and if you choose to continue the journey on after this session and join The Soulful Human Membership, you will get your first month of membership for free.

What if I miss the session? 

Life happens! The recording will be sent out afterwards and all bonuses and offers will be valid, even if you don’t join live.

I’m currently working with a therapist, will this be a problem?

This session must not be treated as a replacement for therapeutic support, but it can offer complimentary tools to support it. That said, if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact me on hello@hannahrzysko.com and we can speak in more depth.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds, so please invest with consideration.

Is this session affiliated with any organisations I need to know of? 

No. I am not connected to any school, guru, lineage or religion. It’s just me, Hannah, and I welcome women and non-binary folk from all walks of life, beliefs and backgrounds.