Welcome to

The Soulful Human Space

A welcoming, supportive monthly membership for women & non-binary folk, who want to lead imperfect, regulated, spiritual lives.

~ Grow ~ Gather ~ Share ~ Connect ~ Nourish ~ Learn

~ Grow ~ Gather ~ Share ~ Connect ~ Nourish ~ Learn

I’ve felt that collective longing…

The longing to return home to our bodies, hearts and soulful nature.

The longing to reconnect to the ancientness that runs through us.

The longing to walk alongside other soulful, imperfect humans as we learn, grow and take care of ourselves.

The longing for support in bringing that into our everyday REAL LIVES, where it matters most and where we spend most of our time!

Because navigating being human in this disconnected, busy & confusing world, can feel so friggin challenging!

If you’re here… you’re hungry for this too.

We are wired for connection…

So there is inherent healing power from being seen and bearing witness.

Championing each other, inspiring each other and growing together.

For thousands of years, a thriving community depended on women gathering to support and guide each other through the many chapters, challenges and rites of passage we must walk through.

So with that all but lost in our modern communities, it is more vital than ever that we gather in spaces that reconnect us to each other, ancient wisdom, our cyclical nature, our intuition and our power.

Because despite what society has told us, we weren’t meant to navigate all of this stuff on our own.

I get it. Life moves so fast.

It’s often easier to keep chasing the pace. But you’re not here to live this life distracted. You’re here to live life as a conscious, soulful player, right?

This membership is for you if you want to…

Connect with other incredible humans on a path of self-discovery, breaking old cycles and living guided by the wisdom of their body and heart.

Ignite soul connection and self exploration back into your life.

Create some space and time each month in your calendar that is YOURS to prioritise yourself, your needs and find calm amongst the noise.

Move towards personal goals and support others in doing the same.

Show up and be celebrated in all your messy, big-hearted, imperfect humanness with other incredible humans.

Leave the glossy, green juice, high vibe/low vibe, toxic positivity side of the self-development and healing world at the door.


Be a part of a trauma-informed, nurturing community that brings a potent blend of ancient wisdom, embodied self-discovery and practical support to help you navigate this thing called life.

moon wisdom ~ divine feminine ~ embodied coaching ~embodiment ~ eft ~ cyclical living ~ nature ~ energy healing ~ radical self care ~ breathwork ~ somatic healing ~ yoga ~ ancient ritual ~ self discovery ~ movement ~ meditation ~ nervous system care ~ heart brain coherence ~ community ~ modern spirituality ~

moon wisdom ~ divine feminine ~ embodied coaching ~embodiment ~ eft ~ cyclical living ~ nature ~ energy healing ~ radical self care ~ breathwork ~ somatic healing ~ yoga ~ ancient ritual ~ self discovery ~ movement ~ meditation ~ nervous system care ~ heart brain coherence ~ community ~ modern spirituality ~


1 x MONTHLY Embodied Moon Circle: a live 90min Moon Circle exploring embodiment practices that align with the month’s chosen theme and the astrological season. Expect yoga, breathwork, somatic healing, ritual, EFT, practical strategies for life and setting intentions for the month ahead.

1 x MONTHLY EFT (tapping) Circle: a live 30-40min session to clear held emotion and stress, reprogramme beliefs and build deep resource within the system

4 x QUARTERLY Turning Of The Seasons Circle: 90-120min session rich with sacred ritual, embodied practices, energetic activations & intention setting.

The Community Discussion Space: connect with others, join discussions, find accountability, AND be supported by me through Q&A’s, monthly 1:1 live coaching, journaling prompts, somatic practices and inspiration throughout the month

The Online Portal: Access all of the above, recordings of all live sessions and an ever-growing library of practices to easily access whenever you need them

20% off any Group or 1:1 Programme I run during your time in the community

And for the incredible Founding Members, you will get all of this for just £35pm* or £350 for the whole year

(There is a 6-month minimum commitment for monthly paying members)

moon wisdom ~ divine feminine ~ embodied coaching ~embodiment ~ eft ~ cyclical living ~ nature ~ energy healing ~ radical self care ~ breathwork ~ somatic healing ~ yoga ~ ancient ritual ~ self discovery ~ movement ~ meditation ~ nervous system care ~ heart brain coherence ~ community ~ modern spirituality ~

moon wisdom ~ divine feminine ~ embodied coaching ~embodiment ~ eft ~ cyclical living ~ nature ~ energy healing ~ radical self care ~ breathwork ~ somatic healing ~ yoga ~ ancient ritual ~ self discovery ~ movement ~ meditation ~ nervous system care ~ heart brain coherence ~ community ~ modern spirituality ~

Our Upcoming Schedule…

  • Fri 5th July 7.30pm: Embodied Living: Moon Circle in Cancer

  • Fri 12th July 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Sun 4th August 7.30pm: Embodied Living: Moon Circle in Leo

  • Fri 23rd August 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Sun 1st September 7.30pm: Embodied Living: Moon Circle in Virgo

  • Fri 6th September 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Sun 29th September 7.30pm: Autumnal Equinox Moon Circle in Libra

  • Fri 18th October 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Sun 3rd November 7.30pm: Embodied Living: Moon Circle in Scorpio

  • Fri 15th November 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Sun 1st December 7.30pm: Embodied Living: Moon Circle in Sagittarius

  • Fri 6th December 12pm: EFT Circle

  • Fri 20th December 12pm: Intentional Wintering

Meet Your Guide (me!)

My name is Hannah. I am a mum of 2, seaside dweller, and a seeker of vitality for myself and my clients.

I am also a trauma-informed Somatic Healing Therapist & Coach, with over a decade of experience gathered across mental health, holistic therapies, trauma recovery, yoga therapy, embodiment, energetics, self-development, somatic psychology and more.

I am passionate about supporting others to create ways of life that feel like home: true, resourced, resilient and guided by what is most important to them.

My intention for creating The Soulful Human Community is to make taking care of yourself something that can be easily integrated into real life, whilst also being deeply soulful and inspiring.

Myself and the other members of this incredible tribe, are so excited to welcome you!

 Your Questions Answered…

How much is it? 

You can either join the monthly membership for £35pm OR pay £350 for the whole year (giving you 2 months for free). There is a minimum 6 month commitment for the monthly payment option, but after that you can cancel anytime.

What if I miss a session? 

Life happens! Which is why all live workshops, circles and sessions are recorded so you can catch up and return to them whenever you like. You have access to everything on the Online Portal for the duration of your membership. I will be chiming into The Community Discussion space regularly to offer guidance, inspiration and answer questions. Plus you can use this space to reconnect with the other brilliant members between sessions to keep the connection alive.

I’m currently working with a therapist, will this be a problem?

This membership is not a replacement for therapeutic support, but can offer complimentary tools to support it, but that said, if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact me on hello@hannahrzysko.com and we can speak in more depth.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds, so please invest with consideration.

Is this membership affiliated with any organisations I need to know of? 

I am not connected to any school, guru, lineage or religion. It’s just me, Hannah, and I welcome women and non-binary folk from all walks of life, beliefs and backgrounds.