The Soulful Human Space - ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP (2 months for free!)

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The Soulful Human Space - ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP (2 months for free!)



1 x MONTHLY Embodied Living Workshop: a live 90min session exploring the month’s chosen theme (e.g. boundaries, courage, resistance, cyclical living), align with the moon’s astrological season and set intentions for the month ahead. Expect yoga, breathwork, somatic healing, ritual, EFT, self-reflection, embodiment and more.

1 x MONTHLY EFT (tapping) Circle: a live 30-40min session to clear held emotion and stress, reprogramme beliefs and build deep resource within the system

4 x QUARTERLY Turning Of The Seasons Circle: 90-120min session rich with sacred ritual, embodied practices, energetic activations & intention setting.

The Community Discussion Space: connect with others, join discussions, find accountability, AND be supported by me through Q&A’s, bonus live coaching sessions, journaling prompts, somatic practices and inspiration throughout the month

The Online Portal: Access all of the above, recordings of all live sessions and an ever-growing library of practices to easily access whenever you need them

20% off any Group or 1:1 Programme I run during your time in the community

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